
Single Cell Sequencing and Bioinformatics

State-of-the-art single-cell sequencing has been an integral element of BBI since its Single Cell Genomics Group was created in 2018.


State-of-the-art single-cell sequencing techniques provide cellular resolution of molecular profiles. Moreover, profiling techniques provide unprecedented insights into cellular heterogeneity and gene regulation. These and other efforts have enabled the discovery of rare cell types, transitional states, and dynamic cell populations, including elucidation of lineage trajectories and developmental processes.

The Brotman Baty Institute’s Advanced Technology Lab created its Single Cell Genomics Platform in 2018, when it started offering single-nucleus RNA-sequencing. Since 2021, it has also provided single-nucleus ATAC-sequencing. In addition to serving individual researchers, BBI’s single cell work has contributed to large-scale efforts, such as the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program, the Human Cell Atlas, and the NIH’s Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative - Cell Census Network. Work has resulted in some of the largest single cell atlases for human development as well as model organisms, such as mice, and rhesus macaques.

BBI is constantly refining its platform for full-service sequencing of single cells and serves collaborators in the Puget Sound Region and across the United States. Its work is funded by several organizations, including: The National Institutes of Health’s Human Bio-Molecular Atlas Program, the National Human Genome Research Institute, the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, and the Allen Institute.

As part of its commitment to collaboration with other researchers to advance precision medicine, BBI in 2024 created the Seattle Area Single Cell (SASC) user group. Participants include principal investigators, post-doctoral students, and graduate students representing all three of BBI’s institutions – UW Medicine, Fred Hutch, and Seattle Children’s, as well as representatives from the Allen Institute and local science and biotech-related companies. BBI’s Single Cell sequencing initiative is led by Mary O’Neill, Ph.D.

Learn more about the method, tools, and services here>

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